Tag Archives: Investment Strategy

First Quarter Market Review 2016

Tom Ruggie states near the beginning of this video regarding the first quarter of 2016, “If you paid attention to the media, the emotions of the market probably drove you berserk.” It’s accurate to say the Markets in the first quarter of 2016 had a very difficult start. In fact, the first three weeks of 2016 had the worst performance to start the year in the history of the Market.

And although around Mid-February we started seeing a rebound, as Tom points out, “the media profits from sensationalizing any hint of negativity.”

You will want to watch this information-filled video commentary which talks specifically about Ruggie Wealth Management strategy and market news relevant to your investments, Tom shares a positive message about long-term investment strategies and encourages us to not buy into the ‘click-bait’ negative headlines.

Questions? Call our advisory team at (353) 343-2700